Use Case

Oil Production

Highly accurate, continuous crude oil classification

Classifying crude oil is crucial for determining its quality, price, and refining process. Lighter crudes are more valuable due to their higher yield of desirable products. Misclassification can cause significant economic losses. Traditional classification requires lab analysis of API gravity, sulfur content, and viscosity. Continuous grade determination using classification models based on flow rate, pressure, and temperature can improve accuracy and yield. These models need to be highly accurate to prevent misclassification.


The classification of crude oil is critical in determining its quality, price and refining process. Lighter crudes with higher API gravity are more valuable due to their higher yield of desirable products. Any misclassification can result in significant economic losses by undervaluing light crudes or causing refining problems with heavy crudes.

Conventional oil grade classification requires laboratory analysis to determine API gravity, sulfur content and viscosity. In contrast, continuous grade determination using classification models would allow for significantly reduced safety margins and increased yields. The model calculates the grade using easily measured parameters such as flow rate, pressure and temperature. These models must be highly accurate to avoid misclassification.


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